The world of dabbing is always evolving and will always continue to do so as long as dabbing is a thing; thanks to that fact we’ve been seeing a lot of new dab rigs coming to market that really get the job done, but it can be difficult to find those rigs you just know deep in your heart you have to have in your life. Well there’s a plethora of incredibly cool custom dab rigs out there if you know where to find them. These five dab rigs are definitely the ones you pull out when you want to feel like royalty!

Calm Phoenix Rising Tube Set by Ben Burton

phoenix dab rigs
Phoenix Dab Rig. Source:

This rig is a beautiful piece of work that came out of SHACKMANSION designed as a phoenix, as the name suggests. Standing at 12” tall and utilizing a myriad of ALIENTECH and SERENDIPITY glass colors the Calm Phoenix displays an incredible mix of reds, yellows and blues to add a little character to any collection.

Frosted Angel Alien Rig by Chubz Glass

Blast off to space with a little panda alien in tow.
Blast off to space with a little panda alien in tow.. Image Source:

The Frosted Angel Alien rig is testament to the fact that you don’t need to overcomplicate or size up a cool concept. Thanks to the good folks over at Chubz Glass this one of a kind alien features more detail than you’d normally expect – even going so far as to add little purple nipples and an indented bellybutton! The frosted and semi-translucent body is complimented by beautifully blown limbs, claws and a tail as well as a pair of wings, really setting it apart from the other alien competition.

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DNA Helix Rig by Banjo

DNA Helix Rig
DNA Helix Rig. Image Source:

In each cell of your body there’s believed to be around 20,000 genes contained in 46 different chromosomes, and thanks to all of them working together we can sit back and actually exist! With such an important role in the world, it’s about time DNA got some much needed recognition – even though this DNA Helix rig looks like it came from a centipede. It stands at a whopping 19” tall and features a beautiful mix of red and black which does more to make it look like an insect than even the jointed claws could!

Dodecahedron Crystal Rig by Kraven Glass

dab rigs
Smoking from crystals is a dream for some! Image Source:

Simplicity is strength with this dodecahedron rig, though that’s not meant to mean it was easy to make! There’s four dodecahedron sections with crystals jutting out of the larger bottom one for a very cool “came from the caves” feeling. The color scheme adds to this effect with cooler colors and just enough in your face red to appear as if the materials themselves came from a group of spelunkers.

Electroformed UV Activated Glass Rig with Embedded Crystals

Swamp home or sunken treasure? Image Source:

If you’ve ever imagined what a witch’s home on the swamp would look like in the form of a dab rig, then it might have looked a little something like this. Electroformed in teal and copper, featuring a few UV activated disks and an embedded crystal formation, this is definitely one piece that comes with an atmosphere all on its own!

There’s no shortage of incredible looking glass dab rigs being blown at any given moment, but the bottom line is that a piece is only as cool as the level of work and dedication put into it.

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