
Brief Introduction

Certo Sure Jell is becoming increasingly popular among people looking for ways to pass a urine drug test. Marketed by Kraft Foods, Certo Sure Jell is a fruit pectin that contains substances, polysaccharides, and the fiber naturally present in fruits. Generally, people use Certo Sure Jell as a thickening agent, usually to make jams and jellies by adding the Certo Sure Jell powder into water.

Since it contains fiber, the content may bind to carbohydrates and cholesterol in your digestive tract, preventing them from getting a deposit and expelling them through your body. Due to the positive effects of Certo Sure Jell for THC detox, hundreds of people prefer consuming this fruit pectin before their drug test to flush out the traces of marijuana from their bodies.

Note that urine drug tests are one of the most common lab tests to detect whether or not a person uses cannabis. According to a report, 56% of employers in the United States make drug tests before hiring mandatory. Therefore, if you want to get your dream job, use Certo Sure Jell for the detoxification of weed. Read the full review to find out does Certo Sure Jell really works.

Overall Description

Recently, there is a lot of buzz around for using Certo Sure Jell to pass a urine drug test. Many users have discovered the efficacy of Certo Sure Jell for flushing out the toxins and weed from the body. You can use Certo Sure Jell to pass a drug test.

What Ingredients Certo Sure Jell Contain?

Certo Sure Jell contains fruit pectin, water, lactic acid, sodium benzoate, potassium citrate, and citric acid. The water in Certo Sure Jell has a diuretic effect, and it helps dilute the urine.

In the product, sodium benzoate is used as a preservative and also as an electrolyte. Nevertheless, when you drink gallon water before the drug test, your body will need more electrolytes. Considering that, get Gatorade as your drink along with your regular diet. Keep in mind that you will also need to consume an appropriate amount of sugar to balance the number of electrolytes in your body.

Potassium citrate in Certo Sure Jell serves as a natural source of potassium, which helps control the acidity in your body. Besides potassium citrate, lactic acid is used to help in binding the jelly-like composition. The lactic acid in the drink provides you with energy. Also, it helps improve the soreness in your muscles, which you probably experience after working out. Citric acid, on the other hand, assists in balancing cell metabolism.

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Moreover, fruit pectin helps in detoxifying and cleansing the traces of weed. There are many Certo Sure Jell reviews all over the internet. However, most of them suggest that it helps in the removal of weed from your body along with expelling carbohydrates and cholesterol. Since the fiber in it flushes out cholesterol, it may lower the cholesterol levels in your body.

How to use Certo Sure Jell?

If you have decided to use Certo drug test hack reviews, then you will be wondering about the preparation method. Considering that, here are the Certo Sure Jell instructions for preparing Certo Sure Jell. After reading the directions for preparing Certo Sure Jell, you will be able to make the Certo Sure Jell dilute solution easily.

Before you have a drug test, make sure to stop using all the drugs that may cause you high and detected as weed presence in your body in the test results. Not to mention, these substances may also include substances like kratom, some medications including methylphenidate, and some foods that contain opiate in high amounts.

So, to prepare your Certo Sure Jell detox solution, you will first need to buy at least two packs of Certo Sure Jell from any local store or online stores like GNC, Walmart, and Amazon. Once you have bought the Certo Sure Jell, open one pack and dissolve it into Gatorade. After mixing it well, shake the bottle until all the particles of the powder dissolved within. Once done, drink this solution of Certo Sure Jell and Gatorade.

Follow this part with a gallon of water; however, make sure to add some salt into the water to prevent water intoxication. Keep in mind that water intoxication can cause electrolyte imbalance in your body, which can be life-threatening. Also, drinking excessive water too fast can cause drastic effects on your health. Therefore, make sure that you have a maximum of 5 hours to clear the urine drug test.

Make sure to urinate at least four times before going for a urine drug test. This will help in clearing the cannabis content present in your body. Do not forget to take the creatine and B-vitamin complex. To ensure your test results, get a home test, and follow the mentioned method a day before your test.

If you think about where to buy Certo Sure Jell near me, then many online stores are selling Certo Sure Jell. Moreover, you may think about how long it lasts. Well, the Certo Sure Jell method will create effects that will last for up to 5 hours.

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Manufacturer, Support, and Certificates

Kraft Foods formulates Certo Sure Jell, which is food pectin. Kraft Foods market a wide array of food ingredients, among which the Certo Sure Jell is a common food product that people use to make jellies and jams. For this reason, Certo Sure Jell is not banned in several states of America; however, many American states ban detox products.

You do not need to worry about weed detox because you will not need to worry about passing a saliva test or any other drug test. Certo Sure Jell ensures that you will pass the cannabis drug test without any issue.

For contact and further details, you can visit their office at 801 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL 60025
or website, telephone at +1-800-43PECTIN, or contact them on

What Additional Products Would Be Useful To Buy With It?

While using Certo Sure Jell for passing a drug test in America, you will need to use some other products to ensure maximum efficacy of the product. Considering that, here are the additional products you will need:

  1. Two to three bottles of Gatorade
  2. B-vitamin complex
  3. Creatine monohydrate
  4. A water gallon that contains electrolytes

Before going for a drug test, make sure to take these mentioned products along with Certo Sure Jell to eliminate the traces of marijuana from urine.

Pros and Cons

Like many other weed detox products, Certo Sure Jell also has some pros and cons that you must come across before using the products. However, it is important to bear in mind that the product is used as a thickening agent, but some people noticed Certo Sure Jell helps in flushing out the toxins and cannabis traces from urine. That said, find out the advantages and disadvantages of Kraft Foods’ Certo Sure Jell here:

The Advantages of Using Certo Sure Jell for Urine Drug Test

Following are the pros of Certo Sure Jell:

  • You can prepare Certo Sure Jell easily
  • Certo Sure Jell Detox removes cannabis quickly

Most of the Certo Sure Jell results are positive

  • It is a cheap weed detox product
  • Certo Sure Jell helps detoxify your guts
  • It provides you the dietary fibers
  • It is safe to use Certo Sure-Jell

The Disadvantages of Using Certo Sure Jell for Urine Drug Test

Following are the cons of Certo Sure Jell:

  • You will have to buy Gatorade
  • You will have to pay for Vitamin B supplement and creatine
  • You will need to buy separate ingredients for maximum efficacy
  • Certo Sure Jell may work only when mixed with water
  • Excessive water may cause water intoxication
  • Certo Sure Jell may cause diarrhea
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Common FAQs about Certo Sure Jell

Here are some questions answered related to the products that may come to your mind.

  1. Does Certo Sure Jell work for a drug test?

Well, the Certo Sure Jell works best to pass the urine drug test. However, it can have less positive results for blood and saliva drug tests. Moreover, it does not work for a hair drug test.

  1. Is Certo Sure Jell Legally Allowed to Consume?

Well, in many states of the United States, using detox products is illegal. However, while Certo Sure Jell is commonly used as a food thickening product, like preparing jams and jellies, using it is not illegal.

  1. What thing must you follow to ensure maximum effects?

Many users have suggested that it is always better to try some home tests before going to the lab for an actual drug test.

Customer Reviews

Positive Reviews

While giving a detailed explanation for her experience with the Certo Sure Jell detox method, she mentioned that she followed the method twice for positive results. She also mentioned that taking Certo Sure Jell could cause you diarrhea. However, she further advised urinating four times before the test.

This review from Reddit indicates that using Certo Sure Jell given positive results to not only him but also many people.

Negative Reviews

This review shows that the user did not get positive results while using the Certo Sure Jell detox method. His home tests were clear and show that there are no traces of weed. However, testing after an hour shows the presence of THC traces.  Well, the reason could be that he did not follow the recommended tips; he did not use a gallon of water, and neither did the method twice.

This user mentioned that he tried Certo Sure-Jell many times but could not get desirable results. He further mentioned that detox products did not work for him.


Considering the Certo Sure Jell Kraft Foods review, it is clear that Certo Sure Jell is one of the best detox products to use for the removal of all kinds of weed and opioids. Especially when you follow the instructions mentioned above, you will certainly get 100% positive results.