Where will cannabis be legalized next? Full-fledged cannabis legalization: is it only a matter of time? Before we get to the odds on the topic de jure, a little context.

Cannabis was a part of America’s consciousness long before Harry Chapin’s song “Taxi” was on the airwaves in the early 1970s, and even before grass enthusiasts endured days of rain at Woodstock a few years earlier.

where will cannabis be legalized
Snoop Dogg started his own cannabis company called Leafs. Tommy Chong owns a cannabis company too. Who is next?

A swath of modern musicians and other celebrities continue to be staunch advocates of cannabis and its legalization. (Snoop Dogg even has his own product line, Leafs by Snoop!) But the same can’t be said of lawmakers, so it was somewhat startling when Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher recently admitted that he had used cannabis to help deal with persistent pain from arthritis. “First time in a year and a half that I’ve had a decent night’s sleep,” he said in a speech to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, according to CannabisRadio.com.

The medical use of cannabis is legal in Rohrabacher’s home state of California, part of a patchwork of conflicting state and federal laws which let some light up in peace while tossing others in prison for years.

where will cannabis be legalized
Recreational cannabis is legal in four states and Washington DC currently.

The good news: the tide appears to be turning as state after state consider the issue. Pressure from advocates and from the medical community about the benefits of medical cannabis in State A make it difficult for State B to vote against similar proposed laws. And, at last word, the sky had not fallen in the five places – Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, and Washington, D.C. – which have legalized cannabis for recreational use.

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More good news: polls show that a clear majority (55-percent) of Americans favors unfettered legalization, up from a meager 12-percent in the Woodstock days. Millennials are clearly on board (68-percent) and, in total, 94 million Americans acknowledge trying cannabis at one time or another. Our very own Nevada is slated to vote on legalization of recreational use on November 8, and polls again look positive.

Despite the obvious support, hundreds of thousands (more than 700,000 as recently as 2014) are arrested every year for various legal transgressions, and thousands are imprisoned. It’s little solace that, under President Obama, the feds have taken a hands-off approach except when major suppliers and sellers are involved.

What Happens Next?

It seems that Hillary and Donald can’t make up their minds about what to do with the cannabis conundrum.

As more and more states move toward some form of legalization, there is little chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will act any time soon. Donald Trump has been on both sides of the issue (no surprise there), and Hillary Clinton seems to have moved from opposing any change in federal law to neutral on medical use and wait-and-see on the recreational side. It looks like neither wants to alienate voters on an issue that is still divisive.

Continued support of cannabis legalization helps cannabis enthusiasts and patients around the world.

Those of us who favor full legalization will have to be content with continuing to push the rock slowly up the hill, hoping against hope that the federal government will come to its senses, legalize the drug completely, and help us avoid state-by-state trench warfare.

When that day does come, we can get together and share a tray of brownies, maybe courtesy of Snoop!

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What does the immediate future hold for cannabis in America and the celebrities who endorse it? Let’s look at the odds.

Cannabis Legalization Odds

where will cannabis be legalized
Fremont St, Las Vegas in the 1950’s. Sin City state is odds on to legalize recreational cannabis next in the USA.

Odds Nevada legalizes cannabis for recreational use in November (by voting “yes” on Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Question 2): 1/3 (75%)

Which state will be next to legalize recreational cannabis?

Where will cannabis next be legalized in the USA?

The odds are on which will be the next state to legalize recreational cannabis use in the USA. Nevada leads the charge, with Maine a close second place. The medical cannabis haven of California is third in predictions.

Nevada: 9/4 (30%)
Maine: 5/2 (28%)
California: 9/2 (18%)
Massachusetts: 7/1 (13%)
Arizona: 20/1 (5%)
Michigan: 24/1 (4%)
Montana: 49/1 (2%)
North Dakota: 500/1 (<1%)
Florida: 500/1 (<1%)

Nevada and Maine are already locked into a November vote, and polls in both states favor legalization. The polls are a little more convincing in Nevada. Florida polls are also encouraging, but the state is only slated to vote on medical use. The rest of the bunch are still collecting signatures in hopes of putting the question to the people come November 8.

Where will recreational cannabis be legalized next?

where will cannabis be legalized
It appears that Canada is close to legalizing cannabis.

Canada: 2/13 (87%)
Italy: 7/1 (13%)
Germany: 9/1 (10%)
Australia: 10/1 (9%)
New Zealand: 20/1 (5%)
Spain: 30/1 (3%)
United Kingdom: 35/1 (3%)
France: 35/1 (3%)

Which celebrity is most likely to launch a cannabis product line?

where will cannabis be legalized
Everyone knows Miley loves a toke. Will she be the next celebrity to enter the cannabusiness industry?

Well, Snoop released Leafs, who is going to be next to follow in the footsteps of an old time toker like the Snoop? Check this! If you want to learn more about launching a cannabusiness, do some reading here and here.

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Oprah Winfrey: 12/1 (8%)
Justin Bieber: 12/1 (8%)
Jay Z: 13/1 (7%)
Hugh Hefner: 13/1 (7%)
Morgan Freeman: 13/1 (7%)
Paris Hilton: 15/1 (6%)
Miley Cyrus: 18/1 (5%)
Lady Gaga: 20/1 (5%)
Bill Maher: 25/1 (4%)
Stephen Colbert: 25/1 (4%)
Barack Obama: 1000/1 (<1%)

This article first appeared on OnlineGambling.lv titled “Cannabis Odds: Blunt talk about legalization” and has been reproduced with full permission.