Love staying informed on cannabis culture and business? Here are five inspiring podcasts and YouTube channels that cover everything there is to learn about the world of weed. All of these podcasts and channels are completely free and sure to give you a new perspective and insight on the cannabis industry. Stay informed on what’s going on with weed so you don’t miss out on new innovations and information.

News: Russ Belville Show

In these podcasts, Russ covers news topics regarding weed legislation and legalization. He conducts interviews and in depth news analyses of what’s going on in the world of weed. These podcasts are great for anyone interested in cannabis to listen to as it is very important to stay up to date with new laws and recent developments on the path to full federal legalization. The past few episodes of Russ’ show have included interviews with Denver NORML members and an police sergeant from Ohio.

Business: CannaInsider

CannaInsider is a podcast conducted by Matthew Kind. Matthew interviews cannabis industry leaders and professionals to discover hidden market trends to keep his listeners informed and ahead of the general public. Recently he’s covered a cannabis market analysis for 2015 and weed’s impact on tourism. If you are interested in owning a cannabis business or you’re interested in the cannabusiness world, then his podcasts are for you!

Science: Ask The Pot Scientist

Cannabis is an amazing substance, but we still have a lot to learn to truly understand the secrets of the endocannabinoid system, and unlock the many benefits of this miracle plant! For help in breaking down the complexity of it all, there’s Ask The Pot Scientist. The Pot Scientist is named Carter, and he has a degree in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology. He breaks down complicated processes and shares great information about industry standards. His channel is great for anyone interested in learning more about the science behind cannabis.

READ  How to Grind Weed Without a Grinder

Strain and Piece Reviews: Strain Central

There are a lot of options these days when it comes to cannabis strains and the different products you can use to enjoy them. If you like staying current on new cool strains or are interested in seeing some cool pieces and vaporizers, Strain Central is your destination. Strain Central is run by Josh, a Washington medical patient, who reviews strains like Peaches ‘n’ Cream (yum!) and glass pieces from great brands. Keep up with his channel if you would love to stay current on strains.

Health and Medicine: Medical Marijuana Radio

weed podcast

Medical Marijuana Radio is a weekly internet talk show that covers medical cannabis. The show is run by a former patient and medical dispensary owner, Larry. Listeners can call in and ask questions about medical cannabis and there are often many interesting guest speakers featured on the show. His podcasts are a great way to teach you about how cannabis can be used for medicine. One of Larry’s most recent show featured Mimi Peleg, director of Israel’s federal group for National Cannabis Storage, Packaging & Distribution in Israel. This is a great podcast about cannabis to keep you informed about the medical side of cannabis.