How Long Does Weed Stay In Your Blood System?

One of the most important things that anyone who uses marijuana should understand is how long weed stays in your blood system. Since there are different methods of consumption and various factors involved in the excretion of marijuana, this guide can help you understand how long THC will stay in blood.

Different Methods Determine How Long Marijuana Lasts in the Blood

There are a lot of different ways that you can consume marijuana, and each different method determines how long the thc stays in bloodstream. It’s important to note that it’s not just the method that a person consumes the cannabis, but also the freqency and the amount of time that they’ve used cannabis that will determine the length of time THC remains in the bloodstream.

For that reason we can’t tell you exactly how long THC stays in the blood system yet, but later in the article we will give you some more information so you can figure it out.

Here’s a quick outline of the most common ways of consuming marijuana and the ways that they will impact the amount of time THC is detectable in the blood on a drug test.

Method of consumption Duration of effects How long THC remains in blood
Smoking Shortest (about 1-2 hours) Shortest amount of time (around 24 hours for a single use)
Ingesting (eating it) Longest (between 5 and 12 hours) Longest amount of time (around 36 hours for a single use)
Sublingual (under the tongue, used for tinctures and extracts) Moderate (between 2-4 hours) Moderate amount of time
(around 24 hours for a single use)
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If you want to figure out how long marijuana stays in your blood , then you will have to take into account your own personal usage. There are a great many influences that determine how long marijuana will be detected in your blood.

Determining How Long Weed Stays In Your Bloodstream

The length of time that marijuana will spend in your bloodstream depends largely on the amount that you use it and the way that you are ingesting it. However, it’s generally not very long. Blood testing for marijuana isn’t a very commonly used method for determining whether or not a person uses marijuana because it doesn’t spend a long time in the body.

Usually, drug tests for marijuana are only given by police officers who are strongly opposed to marijuana usage. They will give roadside blood tests to determine whether or not a driver has been driving under the influence of THC. This doesn’t occur very often.

This is because cannabinoids like THC like to pass through the bloodstream quickly. They like to pass into the fatty tissues of the body, where they will remain for a much longer time. However, if you want to figure out how long marijuana does stay in the blood system, this will give you a rough idea.

  • A single use of marijuana will leave your blood for up to 24 hours if you’ve smoked it, and a bit longer – up to 36 hours – if you ingest it.
  • If you use marijuana fairly frequently, a few times a week, then it can be detected in the blood for up to 3 days.
  • If you are a regular marijuana user and consume it on a daily basis, regardless of how you consume it, detection will be possible for up to a week afterwards.
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Keep this in mind if you are planning to use marijuana and are expecting to have a blood test done. This can be particularly useful information for people who use marijuana medically.

Blood Testing for Marijuana

There are several reasons that a person might find themselves being blood tested for smoking pot.In places where marijuana is legalized for recreation, sometimes blood tests are given on the road. Insurance companies often blood test applicants before providing them with a license.

There are many factors that can influence the amount of time that different levels marijuana will spend in your bloodstream. These can include:

  • Your metabolism (the speed by which you process nutrients, toxins and psychoactive compounds like marijuana)
  • The amount of cannabis you consume and how often you consume it
  • The type of marijuana you consume (whether you consume hash, bud, or tinctures can have an impact)
  • The detection quality of the test that you’re taking
  • Your current body mass and the ratio of fat to muscle involved

If you understand the above information, you can change the way that you use marijuana to make sure that it is less likely to be detected in a blood test.

Decreasing Time THC Will Stay in the Blood

There are a few things that you can do to help speed up the time it takes marijuana to leave the blood. These can include:

  • Staying hydrated. Water helps to flush toxins and other compounds out of your bloodstream quicker and can speed up the process.
  • Being active. Exercise helps to get the blood flowing and can greatly accelerate the time it takes pot to leave your system.
  • Eating healthy. It’s important to get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, because these are what keep your metabolism moving properly so you are able to get things out of your blood quicker.
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Eating healthy, being active and staying hydrated aren’t just important tools for getting drugs out of your bloodstream. While paying attention to all of these factors is certainly the best way to ensure that you can get THC out of your bloodstream quicker, they are also important for living a healthy lifestyle.

If you follow all these techniques, you’ll be able to make the most out of life – and, yes, have drugs like THC leave your bloodstream quicker.