Strain names are one of the key identifiers that we use to pinpoint the quality of what we’re buying. Canadian scientists, however, have determined through extensive experimentation that the way that strains get their names is “all messed up”.

Sean Myles, an agricultural geneticist at Dalhousie University in Canada, has been involved in multiple studies on the taxonomy of cannabis strains. Outside regulated and medicinal cannabis, its pretty hard to keep track of the names – they’re just a marketing thing anyway, some anecdote or whatever the strain’s creator, or just the person selling it, comes up with, like these 7 perfectly conventional names:

Girl Scout Cookies – this one is just weird. Somehow the Girl Scouts have had their name taken (I wonder if it has anything to do with their cookies?) and hitched to a strain of weed. I’m sure that when weed is legalized, there’ll be a lawsuit about this one.

girl scout cookies weed
Girl Scout Cookies. Source:

Charlotte’s Web – named after a children’s book is an interesting one here. Its been used amongst medical practitioners to manage epilepsy brought on by Dravet Syndrome. This strain got its name from the young woman who was treated with it when her parents sought marijuana as treatment for her illness, after their first option was running out.

charlotte's web weed
Charlotte’s Web. Source:

Chocolope – though it sounds a little like a chocolate antelope, this breed allegedly takes its name from being a cross of OG Chocolate Thai and Cannalope Haze, giving it an allegedly minty/cocoa-y flavor.

Chocolope Weed

Schnazzleberry – another kid’s book reference, this time to Willy Wonka’s snozzberries. Users have claimed that this one is great for vaping and making hash.

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Schnazzleberry Weed

Steve McGarrett’s Hair named after Hawaii Five-O star’s hair, this strain doesn’t seem to have much buzz about it other than the funny name. Its really an odd one too because his hair changes so much from show to show.

steve mcgerrott's hair weed
So wispy…

Nutcruncher – oww, just oww. There’s not much on where this one’s name comes from, except maybe it leaves you feeling like you’ve been destroyed?

Exodus Kush – this is the weird one at the end of the list – taking its name from the exodus of the Israelites, has been bumbling around the internet and it needs to be mentioned here. Who suggested that the exodus was a good name for a strain? Why has it stuck? Mysteries of our time.

exodus weed

There are a few industry standards that are recognizable to people who aren’t cannabis taxonomy experts, however. Here are a few examples:

Commonly Known Cannabis Terminology

OG – Ocean Grown

Kush – Strains of Cannabis Indica with origins linked to Afghanistan

BC Bud – A Cannabis Indica found in the Canadian province of British Columbia.

Sativa – Believed to have effects that are uplifting and energetic

Indica – Believed to be a strain that is relaxing and better used at night